The Who, Where, & How To Finding High-Paying Social Media Management Clients 

Book Social Media Management Clients Willing To Pay Fair Prices

Finding and pitching clients can be intimidating for freelance social media managers - especially because this is the main source of your monthly income. If you don't have clients, then you can't pay your bills. So... where do you find clients and how do you book them?

When you're attracting the right clients, selling doesn't have to feel skeezy, uncomfortable, or as difficult as pulling teeth. You're able to connect with them from a service-mindset, and it makes scheduling discovery calls (and booking clients from them) easy. Plus, you know exactly what to say and how to handle those tough questions!

Learn Exactly What To Say (& Why it works) in an ethical, non-skeezy way that actually feels good

Includes scripts, templates, and pre-written posts that you can customize down to the tiniest detail.

so you know what attracts clients vs. other marketers

Because consent-based marketing MATTERS. You'll get a copy of scripts I recommend, along with a training on how to customize it to suit your personality.

that aren't gross or weird

Whether you're discussing packages in the DMs, virtually or in-person, this script is not just customizable, but filled with examples and paired with a thorough training so that you can feel confident.

for discovery calls to help get you booked

What To Post

Pitch Scripts

Call Scripts

If You're Here, It Means...

You feel like a pushy car salesman every time you try to sell, so you either completely avoid it or are so awkward that you're turning your would-be clients away.

You aren't sure how (or haven't been able) to successfully book a client from pitching your services.

You're brand new to being a social media manager and either don't have any clients yet or just a few.

It's Time To Become Comfortable With Selling So That Pitching & Booking Clients Is Easy

  • Which niches are best for finding high-paying clients (and how to know when/if you actually need to niche down!)
  • Who your ideal client even is, where to find them, and what you should be saying to attract them
  • How to pitch your services ethically, whether in the DMs or on a sales call (no gross, skeezy techniques allowed!)
  • Plus how to spot a dream client and a problem client before you agree to work together...

You'd Love To Know...

let me introduce you to...

The Who, Where, & How To Finding High-Paying Social Media Management Clients

The behind-the-scenes guide to spotting, pitching, and booking dream clients that stick around for steady income

Inside This Class:

To Niche Or Not To Niche?

Kick-off the program with Shanté's inside look on what a social media manager niche is, whether you should or shouldn't niche down (and when to do it, if you do), and the industries that make the best types of clients for social media managers.

Discovering Who Your Ideal Client Is & Where To Find Them

Every social media manager has a unique background, perspective, and interests - which means that your ideal client is unique to you! Not only will you be able to determine who it is that you want to work with, but you'll also learn the strategies you can utilize to find and connect with them... and then nurture the relationship so that they turn into a warm lead along with scripts for posts, short-form video, and networking groups.

How to Pitch Your Services Ethically

Get some much needed mindset coaching when it comes to discomfort around selling, and then learn exactly what to say and how to say it without feeling like you’re a pushy car salesman and instead, come from a place of integrity with non-skeezy, ethical selling. You'll learn how to invite a warm lead to a discovery call without making them feel pressured, be trained on how to pitch to the warm lead - whether that is on the discovery call itself OR in the DMs... and understand the most common objections, what they mean and what to say to answer those questions confidently. (Did we mention there's scripts for all of the above?)

Avoid Working With These Clients

The type of client that you have determines how you feel about your business. If they're pushy, too-cheap or have any other red flags, they're going to make your life difficult. Shanté shares what those red-flags are, as well as how to determine what yellow and green flag clients look like so that you can spot a dream client and a problem client before you agree to work together.

Writing Successful Proposals & The Follow-Up Formula

Being able to craft smart marketing proposals that establish you as the standout social media manager can help you land more clients. Shanté walks you step-by-step through what you should and shouldn't include in your marketing proposal, provides copy and examples, and gives you her successful follow-up formula with scripts and timelines.

Behind-The-Scenes of 100+ smm Discovery Calls

Having realistic expectations is important to long-term success, so Shanté's also sharing a behind-the-scenes look of her discovery calls including a deep-dive into clients who booked and stayed long-term, clients who booked and canceled, and clients who did not book with her. She's also revealing what the average close rate is, how to determine yours, and how hers has changed every year for the least 5 years.

Sounds like everything you need, right?

When you join, you get immediate access to all of the above AND:

Perfect Pitch DM Script

Skeezy, pressured selling in the DMs is out - warm, consent-based pitching is in! Warm up a lead and know exactly what to say and how to say it, all while keeping your potential client's comfort in mind with this done-for-you script.

Client Red, Yellow, & Green Flags (Screenshot & Print!)

A handy cheatsheet to have on hand during your sales calls so that you can reference it to determine whether this lead is a red, yellow or green flag client. (Designed for easy access - whether you want to reference it as a screenshot on your phone, or print it out and have it pinned up in front of you!)

[Flowchart] Are They Ready to Hire a SMM?

Not sure if your lead is actually ready to hire a social media manager yet? Use this flowchart to determine whether they are or aren't ready to work with you (and if they aren't, what they need to take care of before hiring you.)

Discovery Call Script and Decoding Objections Handbook

A program favorite! Utilize this discovery call format so that you are the one in control and leading the call. You'll know exactly what to say for the entirety of the call (including the greeting, leading the discussion into your services, what questions to ask, and how to pitch your packages.) You'll also have a thorough understanding of what the most common objections are when it comes to pricing, experience, and 'I'm not sure's' - as well as exactly how to respond.

Social Media Marketing Proposal Canva Template

Wow your potential clients with a polished project proposal sure to make you stand out from the crowd. This high-ticket level marketing proposal will present your services that even the most luxurious clients will appreciate.

Potential Client Tracker

The easy to use (and pretty to look at) spreadsheet to help you track your leads so that you know exactly when, where, and how you contacted them, the ideal date to send your pitch, and how far along your pitching process they are (ie. contact made, connection established, awaiting permission, pitch sent, not interested, set up meeting, proposal sent, follow up, and booked as client.)

Plus Get The Benefits of Being a Social Media Manager Incubator Mentee:

  • Personalized Feedback from Shanté for feedback sessions and weekly live office hours.
  • Lifetime access to the exclusive SMMI Mentee Hub, a private community guided by Shanté made up of your Incubator Mentee BFFs (of past and present cohorts) to bounce ideas, ask questions, vent, celebrate and network with.
  • Continued support through live challenges and expansion trainings where Shanté has brought in guest experts to help you grow your business, from professional bookkeepers to advanced sales pros to conversion copywriters.

what my mentees are saying...

1 payment of $97
2 payments of $48.50

All of this for:

It's Time to Stop Struggling to Book Clients So That You Can Have Steady Income

shouldn't the classes be priced a lot higher? does this mean they're basic?

The classes used to be sold together in a $1,997 6-week program – but even with extended payment plans it didn't make the program as accessible as Shanté had wanted. In an effort to be able to serve even more up and coming social media managers, the program was split into individual classes.

She spent an entire summer building new curriculum, trainings, and resources to each class so that they work as fully stand-alone classes. Not only are the classes now priced more accessibly, they're also offered in multiple payment plan options along with 3rd party payment plan companies like Klarna, AfterPay, and PayPal.

With all of the updates and the ongoing weekly feedback and live sessions, if the program were sold in a package at the market rate, it would be a $5,000 program.


when do the classes start?

The classes are always enrolling - which means you can join and start watching the pre-recorded classes right away!

Are there weekly calls I need to attend?

They're optional! Shanté provides feedback 3 different ways - either inside the course comments, during weekly feedback sessions, or during her weekly office hours (zoom call style!)

What will happen once I enroll?

You’ll be given access the full class curriculum, plus get added to the exclusive SMMI Mentee Hub (the mentee community) so you can  bounce ideas, ask questions, vent, celebrate and network with outside of class.

What is the Social Media Manager Incubator Program Suite?

The Social Media Manager Incubator Program Suite consists of a full suite of classes that has a unique focus based on what you want to accomplish as a social media manager - think of it as a catalog of courses you can choose from!

What Social Media Managers Are Saying:

















If You Want The Strategy & Scripts to Book High-Paying Social Media Management Clients I Have Good News For You:

  • Become comfortable on discovery calls so that pitching & selling to leads is easy.
  • Get off the short-term client hamster-wheel and fill your roster with long-term clients so that you have a steady income and aren't having to constantly find new clients.
  • Book unique clients that are ideal for you and your business so that you're excited to work with them.

It's easier than you think!
I know that you can:

Ready to Find High-Payment Social Media Management Clients?